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The Team

Who Runs The Art Bar?


Kate Rogers & Michelle Hillyard


Suparna Ghosh


One of the founding members of the Art Bar, the longest-running poetry series in Canada, Suparna Ghosh has published three books of poetry - Sandalwood Thoughts, a collection of poems and drawings; Dots and Crosses, a prose poem, and Occasionally, which features poems in free verse and ghazals in classical Indo-Persian style, one of which has been translated into Urdu and set to music; she presented the video at the Art Bar in 2018. Her poems have been published in local and international literary journals. Suparna was short-listed for the Montreal International Poetry Prize and published in their Global Poetry Anthology. A grand prize winning poem was choreographed and staged in San Francisco. On February 13, 2019, she was one of seven poets to participate in Poetry in Union, a partnership between the League of Canadian Poets and the Union Station, and wrote personal poems for passengers. Her paintings were chosen for the Canadian Art of Imagination show featuring international artists. Her work titled Vigil was one of the finalists in the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto competition, NEXT! 2015. She has exhibited her paintings in Toronto, New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Mumbai and New Delhi.

Kathleen Orth

Grant Writer

Kathleen Orth, B.A. (Brock University, French and History), is an editor and writer with experience in office administration, program coordination, and project management. Her career includes both staff and freelance assignments in editing and writing. Since 2018, she has been the volunteer editor of The Grapevine, a newsletter for the Niagara Bruce Trail Club. From 2012 to 2015, she was volunteer Editor for Garden City Times, the monthly newsletter of her Toastmasters club in St. Catharines.


Kathleen was introduced to the Art Bar through a writing workshop series. Two of her interests are exploring the connections between poetry and quilting, and between poetry and leadership.

Brett Campbell

Brett Campbell was born in London, Ontario, to a father with Scottish roots and a mother with European heritage. He obtained an English degree from the University of Toronto in 1986. Brett was active in the Phoenix Poets' Workshops and has read at various venues, such as The Idler Pub, The Free Times Café, and the Victory Cafe. He taught creative writing to adults for a decade. His first book, I Send Letters, was published in 2004. He is working on a second manuscript with publication expected in 2021.

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